Remove Acne Naturally and Fast

Remove Acne Naturally and Fast - How to remove of acne quickly is a big desired by everyone, especially women. But it's good to cure acne using natural ingredients that do not have adverse effects on his face in the future.

Remove Acne Naturally and Fast

Then how do remove of acne naturally? Read for more

How To Remove Acne Naturally and Fast

1. Try Use Aspirin

Aspirin is an easily and quick way to reduce acne because it is anti-inflammatory. Again, it was easily available in many homes.

How To Use: Make a paste with 2 parts water to 1 part of aspirin. After the mixture thickens, applied gently to the acne affected area. Dough must harden in about 30 minutes, then will start flaking which indicates that the paste can be wiped off with a face cloth or tissue.

2. Treatment with Honey

It is known for the sweetness of honey because of the sugar content. However, it is also a natural antibiotic and therefore, the perfect choice to reduce the healing of pimples. The nature of the sticky honey is useful in removing excess dirt from the skin.

How To Use: For effective results, you must mix of two tablespoons of honey with one teaspoon of cinnamon part. It should apply the mixture to set for about 10 minutes before rinsing with warm water.

3. Using Garlic

Garlic contains high levels of antioxidants and, therefore, successful way to fighting acne scars. In addition, it has anti-viral, anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties.

How To Use: Garlic can be used as an attempt to clear acne scars.

  • As a preventive approach, and garlic can be added to a personal diet. This improves the overall health to purifies the blood. It helps to prevent acne in the future.
  • For quick results, and garlic clove peeled and rubbed on acne affected area. For sensitive skin, garlic can be crushed and mixed in water before rubbing.

4. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil very common for the treatment of many conditions, but especially for the treatment of acne and other skin diseases. Tea tree oil is able to break up clogged pores, because dead skin cells, keep acne not returning.

How To Use: To use the tree tea oil for the treatment of acne, a combination of oil and one part to the six or nine parts of water, depending on how strong you want the mixture. Applied to the skin by using cotton, and leave for 30 minutes. You can moisturizing

5. Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a good way to remove acne scars. They soothe the inflamed skin effectively and enhance the human immune system. It helps to regenerate damaged tissues. It has caustic qualities that ensure avoid acne. It produces soft skin, and reduces swelling and stimulates the growth of new cells. This leads to scarring acne that slowly fade away.

How To Use: Apply the Aloe Vera gel on the acne affected area.

6. Lemon

Lemon properties antibacterial to remove acne. an vitamin C in the lemon helps in the regeneration of collagen. Lemon reduces acne scars because of the acidic content. This serves as a very effective antiseptic that helps to remove the bacteria that cause acne and removes dead skin cells on the skin. It also enhances the renewal of new skin.

How To Use: You must be squeezed fresh lemon juice to it. It is applied lemon juice directly on acne scars with a cotton pad. For sensitive skin, and lemon juice can be diluted with rose water.

7. Papaya

If you are accustomed use skin care products, you probably already know that papaya is very common in the treatment of acne.

How To Use: You must to do is mash up papaya flesh to form a paste, and apply directly to the skin. You can leave it on for up to 30 minutes, then rinse and moisturize.

8. Egg Whites

Egg whites also make great home remedy to get rid of pimples. Egg whites have the amino acids and proteins that tighten the holes to avoid acne.

How To Use: To use this method, simply separate the egg white from the yolk. Then, you can use a piece of cotton to apply the egg whites to your skin. Your skin will glow and begin to tighten. Leave the egg white mixture on your skin for up to an hour for best results.

Here's how to remove acne naturally and fastHere's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

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