How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home

How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home - Has a white skin is the desire of all people, especially the women. You should know that there is no way whiten skin in a short time or quickly. Despite this more natural way recommended by beauty experts considering ways are not side effects for healthy skin. Actually there is a quick way to whiten skin by using skin whitening products. The product can be purchased easily at a beauty shop. But if you already know that most skin whitening products using a variety of hazardous chemicals such as mercury.

If you want to whiten the skin by using skin-whitening products certainly you must be smart in choosing the product, if the product has an official license or not. Meanwhile, if you want to have white skin and bright without side effects, you can see to some of the natural ways to whiten skin that will be discussed this time. It should be noted that in this way requires a process and time. So you need a routine in applying it.

How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home

How To Whiten Skin Naturally

You can whiten the skin in a natural way as I will discuss

1. Lemon

Lemon has antioxidant properties very beneficial for the skin. One of the benefits of lemon that can brighten dull skin become white and fresh. You can try using lemon and eggs, prepare 1 lemon and 1 egg, then squeeze lemon and take lemon water and mix with white eggs. After that, stir to form a paste, then evenly apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

2. Milk

The benefits of milk is very good for health, but not only that milk can also be useful as a beauty, milk can be used to make face to be whiten skin naturally. It's very easy just by applying a few drops of white milk on the face evenly. Then let stand for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

3. Potato

Aside from being a vegetable, potatoes turned out to also be useful as a beauty ingredient. That is because potatoes contain bleaching agents that can be used to whiten skin. You do this, by prepare up some potatoes, peel and wash. Then puree the potatoes, then add a few drops of honey. Apply it on the face evenly, leave it to dry and wash off with warm water.

4. Avocado

Avocado fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Contained in an avocado is beneficial for skin health and beauty. You can use avocado to whiten the skin, by way of take 2 to 3 pieces of ripe avocado flesh and mix it with water, then puree as a scrub. After that, apply evenly for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

5. Papaya and Lemon

Papaya fruit useful to remove dead skin cells that can cause the skin to become dull. Papaya also contains antioxidants which is very good for skin health. Therefore you can try to whiten the skin by using papaya mixed with lemon, do: prepare papaya is still raw, grate until soft, then add the lemon juice, then mix well. After that, apply to all parts of the body you want, let stand until dry and rinse with warm water.

6. Rice and Olive Oil

You can try to whiten the skin of hands and feet with rice mixed with olive oil. The trick is to smooth the rice, then mix with olive oil, then stir until evenly distributed. After that, apply on the skin of your hands and feet, let stand about 30 minutes, rinse with clean water. You can use this method before or after a shower every day.

Those are some natural ways that can be used to whiten skin and body. You can try at home to get white skin, clean and healthy. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

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