Benefits of Egg White on Face Acne and Beauty

Benefits of eggs must be very good for the health care of course to your face and be able to eliminate acne. Many ways will be done in order to restore the natural beauty of the skin. Some choose a method of medical treatment or beauty treatment by a dermatologist services, some are choosing to use manner or natural materials. One natural way to use the benefits of egg whites to facial acne, as I will discuss below.

Egg White Nutrition to Face

Egg white part can also be used as an alternative to overcome the problem of facial acne. Because the egg whites do contain nutrients that are good especially for skin health

There are five main content of the egg white which is very useful for the skin's Health
  • Potassium: benefits to maintain skin moisture
  • Protein: function for the process of change of skin cells that die
  • Magnesium: keep your facial skin is always fresh
  • Riboflavin: help prevent and eliminate toxins from pollution and free radicals
  • Lysozyme enzyme: keeping the skin elasticity.  
In addition to the content of the above five, white eggs also contain vitamin B2, which are crucial in preventing stress because stress itself is one trigger the growth of acne on the face. There is also the content of vitamin B3 which helps in strengthening the immune system and accelerate the healing of the wound so it is useful to eliminate acne.
Based on nutritional content, egg whites beneficial not only for acne but also helps prevent the growth of acne.

How To Make Egg White Mask

Egg white mask is very easy to build. Here's how to make a mask of white eggs you need to set up as follows:
  • An egg that has been washed clean
  • Bowl
  • Tablespoon
  • Ice Cube
Once all the ingredients you prepared, the next step: 
  •  Break the eggs then divide between the yellow with the whites, and input into the bowl
  • Mix egg whites using a tablespoon until frothy and thickened      
  • First wash your face with clean water and dry with a paper towel or a clean towel. 
  • Egg white mask can be directly applied to the face
  • Allow the mask for about 10 to 15 minutes
  • Rinse face with warm water and pat dry with a clean towel
  • Final step, rub ice cubes on your face to close the pores are open.   
To get good results, do regularly 2-3 times a week.

Benefits of Egg White for Beauty 

Use egg whites not only on the benefits of egg whites to face acne. Natural materials one can also contribute to enhance the beauty of your face with resolve and provide benefits such as the following:

1. Helps to soften skin

High protein content in eggs helps make your skin smooth and soft.

2. Overcoming oily skin   

Egg whites contain vitamin E is beneficial for preventing excess facial oil production.

3. Whiten Skin

The content of protein in egg whites can also help make your face white naturally, especially if you often move in the open so that your skin will be dull. Thus, egg whites can also restore your skin to become white. 

Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

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