7 Ways To Remove Keloid Naturally

7 Ways To Remove Keloid Naturally - After a discussion about what is the keloid and its causes, and how to remove keloids medically, and now we will discuss how to remove keloids naturally. Keloid elimination of course will not be easy, use naturally is sure to take place on a regular basis in order to obtain maximum results, but this usage is certainly very safe and will not cause any side effects in the long term. 

According to experts, keloid are harmless because it is not a disease or a serious skin problem. Even so, keloids is not resolved Immediately, of course, can disrupt a person's appearance, especially if the keloid grows on the parts of the body such as the hands, feet or face. In general, there are many ways that you can do to help remove keloid naturally. Here we will explain about how to remove keloids naturally. The following explanation!

How To Remove Keloid Naturally

1. Honey

Natural ingredients to remove the first keloids is the use of honey. Honey bees Originally derived from animals is very powerful indeed can be trusted to find a solution to the problem of keloids. This is because the honey has to help regenerate skin cells that were damaged or dead. The way is to smear honey on the wound keloid regularly. Then let stand about 20-30 minutes everyday.

2. Lemon

Of course you are not familiar with this one fruit that is lemon. Fruit that has a source of vitamin C is very high this turned out to have benefits to deal with keloids. This is because lemon juice contains that can help exfoliate the skin. If used on keloid can contribute to the reduction of natural keloid formation. Things you should do, squeeze the lemon and rub to the keloid area, you can also add honey as an antibacterial. To get the most do in this way on a regular basis every day twice.

3. Cucumber

Cucumber rich contains vitamin C which is quite a lot, but it also has a silica content of which have benefits to help increase collagen. With a condition that increases the collagen then you would not be able problems such as keloids, skin wrinkles. Ways simply a puree of cucumber and apply it on the keloid area, you can also mix with honey or lemon.

4. Aloe Vera

An easy way to Eliminate keloid using aloe vera, you can take advantage of aloe vera. Content of vitamins, enzymes and minerals contained Therein can help in the skin rejuvenation process. Besides aloe vera can also help cope with the effects of keloid normalize in the form of the original skin. You can do this by simply applying aloe vera gel on keloids with a regular.

5. Baking Soda

Baking soda has abrasive properties capable of reduce redness, and smoother skin. Baking soda can peel off the outer skin layer, thus giving rise to new skin tissue underneath. Baking soda effective to reduce the size of keloids. Mix enough to use baking soda 1 teaspoon with 1 teaspoon honey or lemon, then rub in the keloid. Use it regularly two days one time.

6. Garlic

Garlic is also able to prevent over-proliferation of fibroblasts, the trigger keloids. To remove keloids, rub garlic on a keloid area for 15 minutes, then rinse. If irritation, immediately stop treatment by washing the skin with warm water.

7. Use Vitamin D And Vitamin E

Vitamin D, vitamin E, which also used to have a good efficacy to eliminate scars. Thus, it can not hurt you to try to use each of these vitamins in the form of capsules. This way vitamin D, the use of capsules containing up to 2000 IU, and vitamin E the use of capsules containing 400 IU.

This ways how to remove keloid naturally, use this procedure regularly for maximum results, the natural way of course need patience and this way is the best way because it is easy and safe for your skin for the long term. Thanks for visiting and hope useful for you.

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