Causes Acne You Must Know - Acne is occurs when tiny holes in the skin, known as the hair follicle, it has become an obstacle. Sebaceous glands are small glands that are found near the surface of the skin. The glands are attached to the hair follicles, which are small holes in the skin that grows on the individual hairs from. Sebaceous glands lubricate the hair and skin to stop the drought. They do this by producing oily substance called sebum.
In acne, glands start to produce a lot of sebum. Excess sebum mixes with dead skin cells, both of which constitutes a material component in the follicle. If the clog pores close to the surface of the skin, and will bulge out, creating Whitehead. Instead, it could be open pores connected to the skin, creating blackheads.
Bacteria can not harmful that live on the skin and then contaminate and infect the follicles, causing pustules, nodules or cysts.
Acne In Families
Acne can in family. If your parents acne, it is likely that you will also be given acne. In one study found that if every parent acne, you are more likely to get acne more severe. Also found that if one or both of your parents and adult acne, you are more likely to get adult acne as well.
Hormonal Testosterone
It is believed that acne in adolescence can be operated by increasing the levels of a hormone called testosterone, which occurs during puberty. This hormone plays an important role in stimulating the growth and development boys, and maintain muscle and bone strength in boys. Sebaceous glands are particularly sensitive to hormones. It is believed that the increased testosterone levels cause the glands to produce more sebum from the skin needs.
Acne In Women
More than 80% of causes of acne occurring in women or causes acne sign to puberty. It is believed that many cases of acne caused by changes in hormones that women have many levels at certain times.
Acne in women caused it:
- Polycystic ovary syndrome - a condition that can cause acne
- Periods - some women have acne before menstrual cycle
Other Triggers
- Smoking, which can contribute to acne in the older people
- Wearing regularly elements of this place pressure on the affected area of the skin, such as a headband or backpack
- Some cosmetics - however, this is less common, as are most of the products tested now so as not to cause spots (non-comedogenic)
- Some medications, such as steroid medication, lithium (which is often used to treat depression) and some anti-epileptic drugs (used to treat epilepsy)
If you have problems you can read the article I have shared, such as how to remove acne, prevent acne, and lead a healthy lifestyle to prevent acne. Thanks to read this article, hope useful for you.
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