Foods Contain Collagen For Skin - Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body that connects and supports body tissues. Collagen is very important to maintain the stability and elasticity and muscle proteins, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. There are a lot of certain foods that can help you in restoring and producing collagen in the body. Collagen in the body can be produced by eating foods rich in protein and vitamins C and K. The complete protein with all essential amino acids for the body can you get at the meat.
Apart from that some nuts are foods rich in protein. in this article we will share with readers on any foods that contain collagen. The following foods that contain a lot of natural collagen:
1. Milk
To increase the production of collagen in the body is rich in protein milk products that are beneficial to your body. Here dairy products including yogurt, cheese and milk. All dairy products is very good to help you in increasing the production of collagen.
2. Nuts
You can produce an anti-aging or commonly called hyaluronic acid by eating peanuts. Nuts have a lot of fatty acids that help maintain healthy skin, smooth and young, fight aging and wrinkles.
3. Protein
Protein contained in the meat is a complete protein with all essential amino acids for the body, including the production of collagen. Eating meat such as chicken, beef, and fish is the main source of protein. Eggs are also rich in protein along with some nuts and seeds.
4. Fruits
Fruits - Fruits are very good for improving the production of collagen, especially rich in vitamin C it. Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, kiwi, lemon, raisins, plums, purple grapes and papaya is an excellent source of collagen.
5. Vegetables
Just like fruits, eat vegetables with rich in vitamin C and vitamin K. The vegetables you eat also helps in the body's collagen production. Choose foods such as tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, peppers, spinach, beets, eggplant, asparagus, and cauliflower.
6. Chocolate
Our skin is very in need of the benefits we can get from chocolate. In a research in Germany explained that someone will get the nutrients and moisture better after eating chocolate. Chocolate can also prevent ultra violet rays to protect skin. To get enough antioxidants choose dark chocolate
Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.
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