Best Benefits Strawberry for Beauty and Health - Fragaria Virginiana or called strawberry. Strawberry is a fruit that is often found at high altitudes and cold temperature. In addition to direct consumption, strawberries are also produced into food such as strawberry butter. The strawberry fruit is also more special with excellence capable of caring for beauty skin and health.
This fruit contains a lot of various vitamins such as vitamin A and C, calcium, salicylic acid, iron, and much more. Benefits of this Strawberry can be used for cosmetic or used as a natural mask.
Benefits Strawberry For Beauty Skin
Strawberry extract can be made to care for the natural beauty, such as the following:
1. Face Cleanser
- Strawberry extract is often used as a skin cleanser, facial soaps and face masks as they contain vitamin C, salicylic acid, an antioxidant.
- Salicylic acid removes dead cells from the face and tighten skin pores.
- Ellagic acid is an antioxidant that prevents damage to the skin and maintain a youthful skin.
Vitamin C in strawberries allows the body to repair tissue that is involved in the manufacture of collagen. Collagen is soluble in water and vitamins can not be stored in the body and must be supplied from food sources.
3. Remove Acne
Salicylic acid is contained in this one fruit could help exfoliate dead skin so that the face will be even brighter. In addition, the content of strawberry is also believed to eliminate acne. This type of skin is appropriate for those types of oily skin. Read How to Remove Acne
4. Moisturize Face
The water content in the strawberry quite a lot, which helps increase the water content in the skin when used as a mask. The benefits that moisturizes and eliminates dull skin. The trick is to set up 3 strawberries that have been washed clean. Crush in a blender by adding 7 tablespoons milk. Blender for about 30 seconds to mix evenly. Apply it on the face thoroughly. Perform the mornings before the move to a good result.
5. Reduce the Oil On the Face
Excess oil will result in the emergence of various problems. Among them is the cause of acne and blackheads. To minimize these events you can work around this by strawberry mask. The way is easy that is, by mixing carrot juice with strawberry juice. Use of mask on face let stand 20 minutes and rinse off after the mask dries.
Benefits Strawberry For Healthy
This fruit has been popular since ancient Roman times and used for various medicinal purposes such as reducing inflammation, fever, kidney stones, gout and more. Here are some of the properties for health strawberry:
1. Prevent Hypertension
Not only the benefits of bananas which contain high amounts of potassium, but strawberries are also highly recommended for people with high blood pressure, by eliminating the effects of sodium in the body. Low potassium intake as well as develop risk factors for high blood pressure. According to the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey National, less than 2% of US adults meet the recommendation of potassium as much as 4700 mg daily.
2. Organize Blood Sugar
Strawberries have a low glycemic index, glycemic index and high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar to remain stable in order to avoid an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Researchers have recently found that eating about 37 strawberries a day can significantly reduce the complications of diabetes such as kidney disease and neuropathy. The results showed that fisetin, a flavonoid support the survival of neurons grow, along with the prevention of complications of both kidneys.
3. Overcoming Stroke
Antioxidant quercetin, kaempferol, and anthocyanins have all been shown to reduce dangerous blood clot associated with stroke. Potassium has also been associated with a lower risk of stroke.
4. Cancer Prevention
As mentioned above, strawberries contain powerful antioxidants that work against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and reduces inflammation in the body.
This is the strawberry benefits for skin beauty and health. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.
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