Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly

Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly - Blackheads is a problem caused by the influence of hormones and facial surfaces are not clean and oily. If your face is oily then it is definitely going to a lot of popping blackheads on your face one of his favorite places are on the face such as the nose section.

Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly

Black comedones (Blackhead) is a type of blackheads looks like enlarged pores and black. The black color of blackheads is due to enlarged pores and open to the surface of the skin, and then oxidized by air so that it becomes black. If excessive oil gland production should always take care of your face with a variety of ways, one is by washing your face regularly. Dead skin cells and excess oil glands is one of the main causes of blackheads. 

How to remove blackheads naturally is not difficult, if you want to try this please read several ways. The way it has been proven effective to remove blackheads despite using only natural ingredients. To overcome and eliminate blackheads on the nose naturally then you can do this is as follows.

Eliminate Blackheads Quickly

1. Scrub

Scrub material is one way to remove blackheads quickly. There are a lot of products scrub cleanser you can get at the supermarket. If you want to use a scrub made from natural, materials that can be used is coffee.
2. Therapy Ice Cube

Ice therapy could be an alternative to smooth the surface of your face and removes the face of blackheads. Quite easy to wipe chunks of ice on the surface of the face such as the nose blackheads and do for 5-10 minutes every day.

3. Gel Aloe Vera

In addition to maintaining healthy hair, aloe vera gel were also able to remove blackheads. Namely how to apply the gel aloe vera on blackheads area, then let stand for 10-15 minutes. The final step rinse the face with clean water.

4. White Egg

Apply egg whites all over your face or blackheads. Once applied let stand for 10-15 minutes or until dry. After that wash your face with water.

5. Lemon

Lemon juice contains vitamin C, flavonoids, and citric acid are efficacious eliminate acne, black spots, reduce the oil, and remove dead skin cells from the skin surface. Enough juice lemon juice and apply on the skin of blackheads regularly. It is recommended that this treatment at night before bed. Perform routine to reduce blackheads on the sk

6. Using Papaya

Papaya fruit is famous as one of the ingredients for beauty treatments that are generally used as a mask. Papaya mask serves to tighten, whiten and soften the skin. In addition, it is also efficacious for releasing blackheads from the pores of the face. For maximum results, it is suggested that mixing papaya mask with milk and honey.     

Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you. 

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