Facts About Acne That You Need To Know

Facts About Acne That You Need To Know - Acne is something very annoying, especially for most women, but adolescent acne growing age is a natural thing that happens often.
Acne becomes annoying, especially when acne will grow. It feels really sore. Several facts about acne is mandatory for you to know, to address this skin problem correctly :

Facts 1

Too often wash your face using facial cleansing, tends to make the skin becomes dull. Sometimes he did not know the type of skin of the face with a face wash that type of soap used. Supposedly if you want to take care of the face, then use a face wash that is consistent with our skin type. In the face wash soap also contains many substances that are actually harmful to the skin if not according to its kind.

Facts 2

Used cosmetics can cause acne. Some cosmetics is a major cause of acne is growing and blossoming in someone's face. Cosmetics can trigger the growth of acne due to the side effects of the use of cosmetics that actually lead to clogged pores.  

Facts 3

Facial acne breakouts as the press would make around acne scars. The hand that is used to suppress acne tend to have been contaminated with some bacteria that can cause the bacteria that stick to the skin when a hand squeeze a pimple. That means, you have helped the bacteria to stick to your face. Facts about acne, because bacteria can get into the pores of the skin open and can cause the skin to become infected. 

Facts 4

Cause of acne is not only among adolescents but all ages. As a teenager, a hormone that cause acne are increasing that causes acne pimples so much more. But acne does not affect the age, because of the age of 20-50 years are also still breakouts, it's just a little more than a teenager. Dirty skin becomes the main things that cause acne.

Facts 5

Acne not only grow in the face. Acne in the ear, and other parts can also grow. The growth of acne caused by hormones and bacteria.

Facts 6

Acne grows during adolescence is normal acne. Why be normal? Facts about acne, because in the teens began to change to hormones. It's like that happen on the causes of acne during menstruation, when the oil glands tend to be more active is causing more oil in advance. However it will stop when it is the hormonal changes that have stabilized.

Facts 7 

To reduce the acne on the face, try to know in advance the type of skin. So they will know what treatment steps that must be done. The use of cure without knowing in advance the composition of the cure, it will aggravate the skin. The skin will be very sensitive, especially with something related to chemicals, so use cosmetics that will not aggravate the condition face

Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

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