How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

How To Remove Blackheads Naturally - Blackheads is a blockage of the pores of the skin so that it appears small bumps on the skin or around your face. Black Comedones (Blackhead) is a type of blackheads looks like enlarged pores and black. Usually the main targets, namely the appearance of blackheads on the face and nose area. Blackheads can develop into acne, known as papules or pustules. Blackheads generally usually arise and thrive during and after puberty, when it produces excess hormones. 

How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

Sebum which serves to moisten the skin was flowing out of the pores are open. Sometimes the sebum secretion also clogged and that is where the bacteria begin to accumulate. For those who are affected by this problem do not worry to find a solution because here we will clarify the explanation of how to remove blackheads naturally.

How To Remove Blackheads Naturally

Here are 5 natural ways to get rid of blackheads that you can do at home. Let's look together.

1. Papaya

Papaya fruit is very famous for his usefulness for facial skin care and beauty. One of the benefits of papaya is to address blackheads. Papain contained in papaya helps removal of dead skin cells. In addition Papaya contains proteolytic be helpful to prevent and eliminate acne and blackheads.
  • The way is easy, that make papaya mask. Soften up similar pieces of papaya fruit pulp to taste and then apply on the face around there seem evenly blackheads. Take a few moments and then rinse with clean water. You can do this when you wake up in the morning and at bedtime.

2. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera gel is highly efficacious to overcome your blackheads. Aloe vera contains two types of hormone, auxin and gibberellin, healing hormones and anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce inflammation in the skin. In addition, aloe vera is a great natural moisturizer for the skin.
  • The trick is to prepare 1 stalk of aloe vera, then slice it into two parts. Take the gel and apply on your face and the nose area of blackheads. do regularly 1-2 times a day.

3. Lemon

How to remove blackheads naturally further by using lemon or lime. Lemon is very effective to remove excess oil on the face. Lemons contain alpha-hydroxy acids are good for preventing pimples, blackheads and other skin problems. The citric acid in lemons also helps tighten pores prevents the appearance of blackheads.
  • The trick is to prepare a squeeze of lemon juice, mix with almond oil and glycerin. Mix the three ingredients in a blender and puree. After that, apply where blackheads evenly, wait 10 minutes then rinse use water. This method is also effective to remove stains black spots on your face. You can also make a scrub, with a mixture of lemon juice, salt water, honey and yoghurt. Combine the ingredients and rub gently in the area affected by blackheads.

4. Egg White Mask

Especially for this part egg whites only for troubleshooting your blackheads. The egg white is great for cleaning the skin, remove dead skin cells, absorbs excess oil and tightens pores.
  • The trick is to smeared egg whites (you can also add one tablespoon of honey) on the face that affected your nose blackheads or evenly, then let stand until it dries, about 25-30 minutes. then wash your face with warm water.

5. Honey and Milk

Honey and milk has some properties that are beneficial for the skin. Milk has lactic acid that can make the skin softer. While honey has antibacterial properties. Both are nice to remove blackheads quickly.
  • Prepare 1 teaspoon milk, 1 tablespoon honey (try pure honey) and a piece of cotton beauty (usually a square). Combine honey and milk, then rub into the blackheads.
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Do this every day for maximum results. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Benefits Of Honey Mask For Skin

Benefits Of Honey Mask For Skin - Honey has properties that are good for humans, maintaining a healthy body and skin health. Honey is believed as a natural herb for skin care because it has nutrients that are beneficial for the skin. One of the benefits of honey for a face that moisturize dry skin. In addition to the antioxidant content of honey can also prevent skin aging. Besides beneficial for skin beauty honey are also very nutritious for health because it contains fructose, glucose, maltose, sucrose, water, and others.

Benefits Of Honey Mask For Skin

Honey is one of the materials most widely used in a wide variety of beauty care products. You can also use honey as an ingredient to beautify your skin at home with ease. If you want to use honey for beauty, you can use it as a mask. 

Benefits Honey Mask For Skin

What are the benefits of honey that can get to our skin? Here is the answer.

1. Moisturize Skin

Benefits of honey to the skin as a skin moisturizer can be obtained by applying pure honey regularly every day on the face. Or you can also add other natural ingredients for maximum results. But without mixing other materials you can still get the benefits of honey.

2. Protect Skin

The anti fungal, antioxidant and antimicrobial contained in honey can make your skin is protected from free radicals. In addition, honey can also help heal the wounds of the skin, such as red spots or famous infection.

3. Acne Removal

By using a honey mask, it can be used as a reliever acne. So you do not need to be irritated with existing acne. Also, do not need to spend more money to get rid of acne you can use honey to mask your acne disappear. 

4. Prevent Aging

The benefits of honey are most often sought by women is to prevent or reduce the signs of premature aging. By applying honey to the face on a regular basis, your skin will look more youthful. You can mix honey with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice and a little water. Pour a few drops of the honey mixture into a clean cotton. Then wipe the face after cleaning.

5. Face Cleanser

Honey has natural enzyme content. If the natural enzyme is mixed with a little water, then it will turn into a liquid antiseptic that you can use to cleanse your skin. honey antiseptic solution will not reduce your skin's natural oil content.

6. Smoothing The Skin

You can get a soft and smooth skin thoroughly with honey bath. Mix a few tablespoons of honey into the water you will use for showers. Do not forget to also add a little olive oil

6. Healing Wounds

Wounds and infections on your skin can be overcome by taking honey regularly. Honey can help the healing process of wounds on the skin because it has anti-microbial content.
Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Best Benefits Strawberry for Beauty and Health

Best Benefits Strawberry for Beauty and Health - Fragaria Virginiana or called strawberry. Strawberry is a fruit that is often found at high altitudes and cold temperature. In addition to direct consumption, strawberries are also produced into food such as strawberry butter. The strawberry fruit is also more special with excellence capable of caring for beauty skin and health.

This fruit contains a lot of various vitamins such as vitamin A and C, calcium, salicylic acid, iron, and much more. Benefits of this Strawberry can be used for cosmetic or used as a natural mask. 

Benefits Strawberry For Beauty Skin

Benefits Strawberry For Beauty Skin

Strawberry extract can be made to care for the natural beauty, such as the following:

1. Face Cleanser
  • Strawberry extract is often used as a skin cleanser, facial soaps and face masks as they contain vitamin C, salicylic acid, an antioxidant.
  • Salicylic acid removes dead cells from the face and tighten skin pores.
  • Ellagic acid is an antioxidant that prevents damage to the skin and maintain a youthful skin.
2. Repair Skin

Vitamin C in strawberries allows the body to repair tissue that is involved in the manufacture of collagen. Collagen is soluble in water and vitamins can not be stored in the body and must be supplied from food sources. 

3. Remove Acne

Salicylic acid is contained in this one fruit could help exfoliate dead skin so that the face will be even brighter. In addition, the content of strawberry is also believed to eliminate acne. This type of skin is appropriate for those types of oily skin. Read How to Remove Acne

4. Moisturize Face

The water content in the strawberry quite a lot, which helps increase the water content in the skin when used as a mask. The benefits that moisturizes and eliminates dull skin. The trick is to set up 3 strawberries that have been washed clean. Crush in a blender by adding 7 tablespoons milk. Blender for about 30 seconds to mix evenly. Apply it on the face thoroughly. Perform the mornings before the move to a good result.

5. Reduce the Oil On the Face

Excess oil will result in the emergence of various problems. Among them is the cause of acne and blackheads. To minimize these events you can work around this by strawberry mask. The way is easy that is, by mixing carrot juice with strawberry juice. Use of mask on face let stand 20 minutes and rinse off after the mask dries.

Benefits Strawberry For Healthy

Benefits Strawberry For Healthy

This fruit has been popular since ancient Roman times and used for various medicinal purposes such as reducing inflammation, fever, kidney stones, gout and more. Here are some of the properties for health strawberry:

1. Prevent Hypertension

Not only the benefits of bananas which contain high amounts of potassium, but strawberries are also highly recommended for people with high blood pressure, by eliminating the effects of sodium in the body. Low potassium intake as well as develop risk factors for high blood pressure. According to the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey National, less than 2% of US adults meet the recommendation of potassium as much as 4700 mg daily.

2. Organize Blood Sugar

Strawberries have a low glycemic index, glycemic index and high in fiber, which helps regulate blood sugar to remain stable in order to avoid an increase or decrease in blood sugar levels. Researchers have recently found that eating about 37 strawberries a day can significantly reduce the complications of diabetes such as kidney disease and neuropathy. The results showed that fisetin, a flavonoid support the survival of neurons grow, along with the prevention of complications of both kidneys.

3. Overcoming Stroke

Antioxidant quercetin, kaempferol, and anthocyanins have all been shown to reduce dangerous blood clot associated with stroke. Potassium has also been associated with a lower risk of stroke.

4. Cancer Prevention

As mentioned above, strawberries contain powerful antioxidants that work against free radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and reduces inflammation in the body.

This is the strawberry benefits for skin beauty and health. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Benefit Antioxidant For Body And Skin

Benefit Antioxidant For Body And Skin - Antioxidants are substances or nutrients that helps to protect cells from the damaging effects of free radicals. Free radicals are molecules produced when the body is exposed to unhealthy environments such as tobacco smoke and radiation. Free radicals can damage cells and heart disease, Alzheimer's and other dangerous diseases. Research shows that antioxidants can indeed be effective in preventing a number of diseases associated with age

After getting to know more about antioxidants, then we need to discuss the benefits of antioxidants for the human body.

Benefits Antioxidant For Body And Skin

1. Prevent Various Diseases 
Antioxidants are beneficial to health by cleaning up free radicals in the bloodstream. Although antioxidants have not been proven to treat any disease, but studies have shown that antioxidants have also been involved in the prevention of degenerative's disease and age-related diseases, such as:
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Alzheimer  
  • Cancer
  • Immune dysfunction 
  • Heart disease 
2. Prevent Wrinkles

Several studies have shown that antioxidants, can reduce wrinkles and maintain skin elasticity, and even can protect the skin from damage due to exposure to the sun. He will maintain healthy skin and help rejuvenate the body cells. Read How To Prevent Wrinkles Naturally
3. Prevent Cell Damage from UV Rays of the Sun
Antioxidants such as Selenium, Vitamin C and Vitamin E helps protect the skin damage caused by sunlight. Sun's UV rays can damage your skin cells. UV damage will make the skin look dull. The antioxidants in the blood flow will increase the growth of new cells. That will make your skin becomes soft and radiant. Skin care products such as cleansers and moisturizers also contain antioxidants.
4. Prevent Acne
Mangosteen, strawberry, raspberry, apple is a fruit rich in antioxidants. It is beneficial to the blood flow, so that all the cells get enough nutrition. This will help to neutralize free radicals in your body and will also prevent acne. Read How To Prevent Acne
5. Maintain Healthy Skin

Antioxidants help reduce the signs of aging such as wrinkles. It is by increasing the speed of skin repair system, thus preventing damage to the skin. Substances The most common antioxidants are Vitamins C and E.
Food Sources Of Antioxidants

Antioxidants found in fruits, whole grains and fresh vegetables. Fruits and vegetables are skinned with distinctive colors such as red tomatoes, purple blueberries, corn yellow and orange carrots, rich in antioxidant content. A number of vitamins, minerals and compounds in foods have antioxidant properties. Vitamins A, C and E are the most famous such as beta carotene, lycopene and selenium. Some foods that contain a number of antioxidants in large quantities, such as:
  • Carrot
  • Mangosteen
  • Grapes
  • Blueberries
  • Kiwi
  • Pomegranate
  • Nuts
  • Orange
  • Apple and Pear
  • Tea
Antioxidants are different types, usable on different body parts. For example, beta-carotene is found in carrots benefits may help maintain eye health. Lycopene is found in tomatoes benefits may contribute to prostate health. Flavonoids found in tea is good for heart health. for that we need a balanced diet to get the antioxidant benefits for your health overall. 
Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you. 

Foods Contain Collagen For Skin

Foods Contain Collagen For Skin - Collagen is the most abundant protein in the human body that connects and supports body tissues. Collagen is very important to maintain the stability and elasticity and muscle proteins, skin, tendons, ligaments and cartilage. There are a lot of certain foods that can help you in restoring and producing collagen in the body. Collagen in the body can be produced by eating foods rich in protein and vitamins C and K. The complete protein with all essential amino acids for the body can you get at the meat.
Apart from that some nuts are foods rich in protein. in this article we will share with readers on any foods that contain collagen. The following foods that contain a lot of natural collagen:

1. Milk
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
To increase the production of collagen in the body is rich in protein milk products that are beneficial to your body. Here dairy products including yogurt, cheese and milk. All dairy products is very good to help you in increasing the production of collagen.

2. Nuts
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
You can produce an anti-aging or commonly called hyaluronic acid by eating peanuts. Nuts have a lot of fatty acids that help maintain healthy skin, smooth and young, fight aging and wrinkles.

3. Protein
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
Protein contained in the meat is a complete protein with all essential amino acids for the body, including the production of collagen. Eating meat such as chicken, beef, and fish is the main source of protein. Eggs are also rich in protein along with some nuts and seeds. 

4. Fruits
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
Fruits - Fruits are very good for improving the production of collagen, especially rich in vitamin C it. Fruits such as strawberries, oranges, kiwi, lemon, raisins, plums, purple grapes and papaya is an excellent source of collagen.

5. Vegetables
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
Just like fruits, eat vegetables with rich in vitamin C and vitamin K. The vegetables you eat also helps in the body's collagen production. Choose foods such as tomatoes, peppers, broccoli, cabbage, peppers, spinach, beets, eggplant, asparagus, and cauliflower.

6. Chocolate
Foods Contain Collagen For Skin
Our skin is very in need of the benefits we can get from chocolate. In a research in Germany explained that someone will get the nutrients and moisture better after eating chocolate. Chocolate can also prevent ultra violet rays to protect skin. To get enough antioxidants choose dark chocolate

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Benefits of Collagen for Skin Care

Perhaps you've heard or are familiar with the words of collagen. Name 'collagen' comes from the Greek 'Kolla' which means the sugar and the 'Genes' which means production. Collagen is a protein found in our bodies. Collagen can be found in almost all parts of the body and has the function of such a diverse, ranging from skin care, brain, eyes, hair, teeth, bones, muscles, blood vessels, various systems (blood circulation and immune) and also the skin

Benefits of Collagen for Skin Care

That's why the collagen into a substance pledge to have healthy skin, bright toned and free from various skin disorders such as acne to wrinkles are a sign of aging. You can conclude that the benefits of collagen for acne, is a mainstay for the most simple skin problems. Until collagen used to whiten, brighten and disguise wrinkles. Here is a brief description of the benefits of collagen to the face.

Functions Collagen

1. Bone
Collagen has an important function for the bones. Bone structure is composed of various materials, one of which is a combination of collagen and a mineral called hydroxyapatite. Both substances work to make the structure, flexibility and strength of the bone.

2. Blood Vessel

Collagen has an important function in the structure of the blood vessels. Collagen has a function in forming the walls of veins, arteries and capillaries. Collagen has a function to strengthen the blood vessels, maintaining the structure and the flexibility of blood vessels, where this function is important in order to bring blood flow throughout the body.

3. Skin 

One of the functions of the most biggest collagen is its function as the skin's support. According Dr.Eric from the University of Pennsylvania, 80% of the weight of our skin is composed of collagen. Collagen provides structure to the skin in cooperation with another protein called elastin, which is useful to make the skin more elastic.  

4. Muscle

Collagen has an important function to muscles. Collagen fibers have a function to strengthen the muscles and the muscle structure to the survival of muscle every day. 

Collagen to Prevent Acne

Acne is a skin complaint that experienced by almost every human being. Its presence is inevitable because the causes of acne are also diverse, ranging from hormonal changes, excess oil production, as a result of diet and lifestyle that is unhealthy or because of pollution. Biologically, acne occurs because the skin pores unobstructed.

It is known that factors causing acne is from within and outside the body. Collagen here plays an important role to prevent acne or treat the acne. Here the benefits of collagen for face:

1. Accelerate the Regeneration of Skin 

As an element of protein, collagen function naturally moisturize the skin, such as replacing dead skin cells and accelerate the regeneration process so that problems that occur can be addressed ranging from acne to aging signs. Collagen also can maintain skin elasticity, sufficient nourishment, make the skin taut and maintain health. 

2.  Maintain Skin Elasticity

Natural collagen production in the body decreases the intensity after entering the age of 25 years and will be greatly reduced at the age of 60 years. This is what causes skin elasticity impaired that arise problems such as wrinkles on the face. While at the early age of 25, collagen production decreases generally affects the skin problems are relatively simpler such as acne, dull skin, dry skin 

3. Healthy Lifestyles 

Not only eating foods rich in collagen, various skin problems, including acne, can also be overcome by familiarizing healthy lifestyle. For example, can be done by using a natural face mask, routinely wash towels, wash your face thoroughly after using cosmetics, as well as meet the water needs to drink plenty and regularly.  

Collagen to Prevent Aging

Reduced skin firmness, appearance of wrinkles on the face and body are signs of aging caused skin elasticity decreases. It happened along with the lack of content of collagen in the body which has the task of maintaining youthful and healthy skin. To maintain the elasticity of your skin can eat food containing collagen.

In this way will allow you to prepare for the coming period in which the natural collagen in the body begins to decline. So that the facial skin and body has been protected since the beginning of the signs of aging that can interfere with performance. Collagen can also guarantee moisture and healthy skin, so avoid the acne and signs of aging. The skin will be healthy and avoid skin diseases. 

Read how to prevent acne and wrinkles:

Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.  

Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly

Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly - Blackheads is a problem caused by the influence of hormones and facial surfaces are not clean and oily. If your face is oily then it is definitely going to a lot of popping blackheads on your face one of his favorite places are on the face such as the nose section.

Remove Blackheads Naturally and Quickly

Black comedones (Blackhead) is a type of blackheads looks like enlarged pores and black. The black color of blackheads is due to enlarged pores and open to the surface of the skin, and then oxidized by air so that it becomes black. If excessive oil gland production should always take care of your face with a variety of ways, one is by washing your face regularly. Dead skin cells and excess oil glands is one of the main causes of blackheads. 

How to remove blackheads naturally is not difficult, if you want to try this please read several ways. The way it has been proven effective to remove blackheads despite using only natural ingredients. To overcome and eliminate blackheads on the nose naturally then you can do this is as follows.

Eliminate Blackheads Quickly

1. Scrub

Scrub material is one way to remove blackheads quickly. There are a lot of products scrub cleanser you can get at the supermarket. If you want to use a scrub made from natural, materials that can be used is coffee.
2. Therapy Ice Cube

Ice therapy could be an alternative to smooth the surface of your face and removes the face of blackheads. Quite easy to wipe chunks of ice on the surface of the face such as the nose blackheads and do for 5-10 minutes every day.

3. Gel Aloe Vera

In addition to maintaining healthy hair, aloe vera gel were also able to remove blackheads. Namely how to apply the gel aloe vera on blackheads area, then let stand for 10-15 minutes. The final step rinse the face with clean water.

4. White Egg

Apply egg whites all over your face or blackheads. Once applied let stand for 10-15 minutes or until dry. After that wash your face with water.

5. Lemon

Lemon juice contains vitamin C, flavonoids, and citric acid are efficacious eliminate acne, black spots, reduce the oil, and remove dead skin cells from the skin surface. Enough juice lemon juice and apply on the skin of blackheads regularly. It is recommended that this treatment at night before bed. Perform routine to reduce blackheads on the sk

6. Using Papaya

Papaya fruit is famous as one of the ingredients for beauty treatments that are generally used as a mask. Papaya mask serves to tighten, whiten and soften the skin. In addition, it is also efficacious for releasing blackheads from the pores of the face. For maximum results, it is suggested that mixing papaya mask with milk and honey.     

Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.