Benefit Lemon For Beauty And Healthy - Lemon is a fruit that is very common and easy to find. People often use lemon as a flavoring agent and used as a mixture of juices. Few people know that the sour fruit has nutritional benefits, and can be used for many other purposes.
Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United States. These plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can only grow and grow at temperatures 15-30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed in snowy countries with high intensity.
Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet can use lemon as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same way as to make lemon juice. Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced. Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet program does have a very sour taste.
Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty lemon used as a cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Lemon fruit also contains antioxidants and function very well to keep the human immune. Lemons are often also used as a skin care by using juice or a squeeze of lemon water.
Benefits Lemon For Beauty
Lemon contains citric acid, so the taste is very sour, lemon is often also used as an ingredient for beauty and skin care. The following references to the benefits of lemon for beauty treatments.
1. Acne Removal
Freshly squeezed lemon juice contains antibacterial function to overcome the bacteria that cause acne. It is often used because the properties have been proven. Additionally, lemon efficacious to remove acne scars which usually will leave a black stain on the face.
2. Brighten Skin
The content of the acid in lemon juice or fruit juice can remove the black stains that appear on your face. The acid contained in the lemon juice also proven to brighten your face and make your skin look more fresh. But do not use these tips if there is a wound on the skin. Because of the acid content in lemon can kill antibacterial repairing injured skin. Obviously if exposed to the wound, it will feel very sore. To brighten your skin can make a mask of lemon and honey to maximize results.
3. Moisturize Dry Lips
The content of vitamin C contained in lemon can exfoliate dead skin on the lips. Dead skin cells that actually make lips look dry. How to use by applying fresh lemon slices on the lips slowly. Allow a few seconds and then rinse with clean water. Do this on a regular basis. Read too how to redden lips.
Benefits Lemon For Healthy
Another benefit of lemon as a material consumption very much. Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your health. Lemon shown to increase human stamina. Anti-bacterial and antioxidant also play an active role in the body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm. Heat can be faster processing of substances in the body. Here are the benefits of lemons:
1. Streamlining Digestive System
Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as a blood purifier and cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems like nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the lemon does not fit in with the milk.
2. Boost Immunity
Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active role in immune function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have antimicrobial function. Get into the habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm water every morning.
3. Stabilizing High Blood Pressure
The content of potassium in lemon similar to that found benefits of bananas, which are very well taken by people with heart disease. Potassium control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea, as it gives a soothing sensation.
4. Treating Sore Throat
Not only herbs like ginger benefits that can relieve a cough, but lemon is very nice to treat diseases tonsillitis (throat). Enough to gargle with warm water that has been added with a teaspoon of lemon juice. For coughs and colds, give warm water that has added little benefit honey.
This is the benefit of lemon you should know because lemon is good for health and beauty. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.
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