5 Ways to Smooth Skin Naturally

5 Ways to Smooth Skin Naturally - I have explained previously about how to whiten skin, now I will explain about how to whiten skin. Every woman wants beautiful skin and smooth. Facial skin beautiful is skin smooth and brighten. However, many women who have rough skin that made him feel uncomfortable. Coarse facial skin that can be caused by pollution, residual makeup or even acne. Usually women want smooth the skin to a salon or beauty clinic. And to smooth the skin, a woman does not need to spend a lot time. 

5 Ways to Smooth Skin Naturally

How To Smooth Skin

1. Keep Clean Your Face

Soft skin requires clean skin, so you should wash your face regularly. Wash your face twice a day with a clean towel, warm water and proper cleanser is effective to remove dirt and oils on the skin. You should avoid any soap, which may be severe and should avoid spending too much time in the bathroom because can dry out your skin.

2. Protect Skin From Ultraviolet

Sun's ultraviolet rays cause damage to our skin, including age spots and wrinkles, rough, dry skin and skin cancer. You must stay away from the sun 10:00 to 16:00, when the sun is at its highest. If you must go out, remember to wear sunscreen. You should also wear clothing that covers the skin, including a broad-brimmed hat to protect your face

3. Using Moisturize

Moisturize your skin helps to keep the top layer is well hydrated and smooth. Moisturizer should be applied soon as out of the shower or finished washing your face. This helps keep the moisture in the skin. You should also moisturize your hands after washing and moisturize skin before going out to protect it.

4. Maintains Healthy Diet

To maintains a healthy diet, including the health of your skin. There are a number of foods that can help keep skin smooth and healthy, just as there are foods should be avoided. Foods rich in vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B6, vitamin C and vitamin D to keep skin soft and healthy, and vitamins A and C are particularly good if you want smoother skin. It can also prevent spots unwanted. And a healthy diet rich in omega-3 fatty acids from fish, rich in antioxidants from fruits, vegetables, tea can help to keep the skin soft and healthy.

5. Natural Ways

There are many products to help you get the smooth skin. But some products even contain ingredients that are not good for sensitive skin. You can get smooth skin naturally. These include:
  • Water - One of the best things you can do to smooth skin, healthy skin is to drink plenty of water. Water helps the body in expelling toxins and keeping you hydrated. Avoid alcohol, eat a lot of fruits and vegetables that contain a high of water. You should drink 8-10 glasses water a day.
  • Cucumber - Vegetables common has astringent and moisturizing properties, and can nourish the skin. The same skin pH can restores skin acid balance, and protect from bacteria. Use a mask regularly can help in prevent acne, prevent wrinkles, remove blackheads and dry skin. You can mix with milk, apply on the skin for twenty minutes to maintain a clean and smooth skin.
  • Papaya - Natural papaya enzyme can helps remove dead skin cells. It is also known to wound healing, antibacterial properties. You can mix a few pieces of papaya and apply it to your skin for ten minutes before rinsing.
  • Lemon - Lemon contains enzymes that remove dead skin cells and citric acid a remove excess oil, lemon good cleanser for those with oily skin. You can apply lemon juice to your skin and let it for 10 minutes to help alleviate the marks and scars left by acne.

This is how to smooth the skin easily you can do at home. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home

How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home - Has a white skin is the desire of all people, especially the women. You should know that there is no way whiten skin in a short time or quickly. Despite this more natural way recommended by beauty experts considering ways are not side effects for healthy skin. Actually there is a quick way to whiten skin by using skin whitening products. The product can be purchased easily at a beauty shop. But if you already know that most skin whitening products using a variety of hazardous chemicals such as mercury.

If you want to whiten the skin by using skin-whitening products certainly you must be smart in choosing the product, if the product has an official license or not. Meanwhile, if you want to have white skin and bright without side effects, you can see to some of the natural ways to whiten skin that will be discussed this time. It should be noted that in this way requires a process and time. So you need a routine in applying it.

How To Whiten Skin Naturally at Home

How To Whiten Skin Naturally

You can whiten the skin in a natural way as I will discuss

1. Lemon

Lemon has antioxidant properties very beneficial for the skin. One of the benefits of lemon that can brighten dull skin become white and fresh. You can try using lemon and eggs, prepare 1 lemon and 1 egg, then squeeze lemon and take lemon water and mix with white eggs. After that, stir to form a paste, then evenly apply on face for 15 minutes, rinse with warm water.

2. Milk

The benefits of milk is very good for health, but not only that milk can also be useful as a beauty, milk can be used to make face to be whiten skin naturally. It's very easy just by applying a few drops of white milk on the face evenly. Then let stand for 15 to 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

3. Potato

Aside from being a vegetable, potatoes turned out to also be useful as a beauty ingredient. That is because potatoes contain bleaching agents that can be used to whiten skin. You do this, by prepare up some potatoes, peel and wash. Then puree the potatoes, then add a few drops of honey. Apply it on the face evenly, leave it to dry and wash off with warm water.

4. Avocado

Avocado fruit is rich in vitamins, minerals and natural oils. Contained in an avocado is beneficial for skin health and beauty. You can use avocado to whiten the skin, by way of take 2 to 3 pieces of ripe avocado flesh and mix it with water, then puree as a scrub. After that, apply evenly for 15 minutes, rinse with water.

5. Papaya and Lemon

Papaya fruit useful to remove dead skin cells that can cause the skin to become dull. Papaya also contains antioxidants which is very good for skin health. Therefore you can try to whiten the skin by using papaya mixed with lemon, do: prepare papaya is still raw, grate until soft, then add the lemon juice, then mix well. After that, apply to all parts of the body you want, let stand until dry and rinse with warm water.

6. Rice and Olive Oil

You can try to whiten the skin of hands and feet with rice mixed with olive oil. The trick is to smooth the rice, then mix with olive oil, then stir until evenly distributed. After that, apply on the skin of your hands and feet, let stand about 30 minutes, rinse with clean water. You can use this method before or after a shower every day.

Those are some natural ways that can be used to whiten skin and body. You can try at home to get white skin, clean and healthy. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

8 Benefits Coffee For Skin

8 Benefits Coffee For Skin - Coffee is one type of beverage derived from the coffee bean extraction plant processed. Coffee has caffeine content, and it also has a coffee content of alkaloids, minerals, potassium, magnesium and iron are much beneficial for the beauty of the face and skin.

8 Benefits Coffee For Skin

Coffee benefits for skin and beauty has been popular among women. Coffee is rich in caffeine content that serves as vasorestrictor. So that the coffee will help tighten and shrink the blood vessels. In this case, the coffee will be very effectively used to reduce varicose veins and soften the skin.

Benefit Coffee For Skin

- Smooth Skin
- Moisturize Skin
- Helps Eliminate Dead Skin Cells
- Eliminate Cellulite
- Neutralize The Irritated Skin
- Providing Nutrition Skin

In addition to some of the benefits of coffee above, I will give you some ways to use coffee for the beauty of the face, skin, and hair.

1. Remove Dead Skin Cells

Mix coffee powder with egg white, then apply to the face. The way it could accelerate the process of removal of dead skin cells and also tighten.

2. Brightening Skin

Mix 3 tablespoons of coffee powder with a glass of fresh milk. Apply on the face. Give a little massage gently. Let stand for 20 minutes and then rinse.

3. Moisturize Skin

Mix 3 tablespoons of coffee grounds with 1 tablespoon cocoa powder. Mix evenly and then apply on face and neck. Wait up to 30 minutes for coffee soak into the skin. Clean using a towel soaked in warm water.

4. Remove Acne Scars

Mix a few spoonfuls of coffee powder with almond oil. Stir until blended. Directly apply to face by giving a gentle massage. Wait for 10-15 minutes and then rinse. Read How To Remove Acne Scars

5. Revitalization Skin

Combine real coffee and milk powder. Stir and use a mixture of coffee and milk on the face as a scrub. Give a massage gently and evenly over the face. Let stand until dry and rinse with clean water.

This is benefits of coffee for beauty skin and face. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Amazing Benefits Apple For Skin

Amazing Benefits Apple For Skin - Apples are a kind of fruit that a family with the rose family (Rosaceae). Apples are usually red but can also be green or yellow. Apples are very rich in vitamin A, B, C and antioxidants. Antioxidants in apples help repair damage to the skin. Facial treatments with apples are believed to reduce stains on the face and can brighten your face. Vitamin A is contained in apples is even able to rejuvenate your outer skin. Meanwhile, the vitamin C in apples act as antioxidants to fight the aging process too early.

Amazing Benefits Apple For Skin

Apple also contains glycolic acid, which can help the regeneration of the skin and cleanse the pores of the skin. To treat burns, apples are also very powerful, slowly giving healing to the skin and make skin look brighter. Apple skin also keeps the skin PH balanced, so furthest from irritation and infection. Well, here are some apple mask recipes that you can use to care for skin beauty.

Benefits Apple For Skin
  • The content of Alpha Hydroxy Acid (AHA) can accelerate the removal of dead skin cells
  • Prevents aging of the skin with antioxidant content
  • Reduce excess oil production so it is suitable for oily skin
  • Provide nutrients and vitamins that are useful for the regeneration of skin cells
  • Prevent acne

How To Make Apple Face Mask

To make apple mask for skin care, you must prepare:
  • 1 apple
  • Two tablespoon honey

How to make a mask of apples:
  1. Choose organic apples and then rinse thoroughly
  2. Puree apples
  3. Mix it with 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well
  4. Clean your face wearing cold water and then apply the mask evenly
  5. Let stand 20-30 minutes to absorb into the pores of the skin
  6. Wash your face with clean water

That the benefits of apples to the skin and how to make apple mask. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Lifestyle Healthy To Prevent Acne

Lifestyle Healthy To Prevent Acne - Acne is one of the issues that face so very disturbing appearance. Acne is already one of the issues that face many feared by many people, especially for those women who always want to look beautiful. Acne is basically a normal thing to happen in humans. How not able to make facial acne becomes less attractive to look at and also an indication of poor lifestyle.

The cause of acne is basically very varied, among others:
  • Genetic or hereditary factors
  • Puberty and hormonal activity causes of acne are high. Read causes acne during menstruation
  • Allergy
  • Facial cleanliness is not controlled
  • Oily face
  • The effects of the use of make-up
The things above are some of the things that cause acne are common. 

Lifestyle Healthy To Prevent Acne

Lifestyle Healthy To Prevent Acne

To prevent acne, the need for a healthy lifestyle that can prevent you from the appearance of the acne. 

1. Use soap facial according to skin type

Facial soap is one thing that is very important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in preventing the appearance of acne. Yes, the use of facial soap is crucial to ridding the face of bacteria and dirt that can cause acne. However, for the selection of facial soap, must be conducted in accordance with conditions of the type of skin you have.

2. Do not overuse makeup, especially the makeup of poor quality

Women are usually very pleased with the use of make-up. Make-up in women is now very diverse and also many kinds. However, sometimes the quality of the make-up is bad, or does not match the facial skin will cause cause of acne. Therefore, look for makeup products that match the type of your face, and try not to ever buy makeup with poor quality, because it will increase the possibility of the appearance of acne.

3. Reduce consumption of fatty foods

Foods that have a high fat content when too much is consumed, but can lead to obesity, can also be a food causes acne. To prevent acne, then you can reduce and avoid the consumption of foods with a high fat content, such as fried foods.

4. Protect your face with a cream with SPF

There is no harm in giving more protection to your skin by using a face cream that contains SPF. Solution acne does not go away by using a face cream that contains SPF, will keep your skin from ultraviolet radiation. UV light is also one of the appearance of acne on your face.

5. Consumption of fruits, vegetables rich in vitamins, especially vitamin C and E

Consumption of healthy foods, and contain many vitamins, especially vitamin C and vitamin E is also a powerful way to help avoid acne. Fruits and vegetables, is one example of foods that contain vitamin C and E are also high, so that it can help boost immunity, and can also help nourish your skin. Read benefits collagen for skin

6. Drinking water regularly

Consume water or mineral water regularly is also very good to help avoid acne. The white water can increase the body's metabolism, which can help blood circulation and helps in cleansing the blood. Blood clearance can prevent the appearance of acne is caused by dirty blood.

7. Improve quality of sleep

The quality of sleep also should consider. Those who have poor sleep quality, more prone to stress and depression. Stress and depression is then able to cause the appearance of acne. Therefore, to maintain the quality of sleep, then you can avoid acne.

That's some way to lifestyle to prevent acne. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Benefit Lemon For Beauty And Healthy

Benefit Lemon For Beauty And Healthy - Lemon is a fruit that is very common and easy to find. People often use lemon as a flavoring agent and used as a mixture of juices. Few people know that the sour fruit has nutritional benefits, and can be used for many other purposes.

Lemon is cultivated in Spain, Argentina, Brazil, and countries around the United States. These plants are not able to grow in cold weather climates. Lemon trees can only grow and grow at temperatures 15-30Celsius. Therefore, the plant was developed in snowy countries with high intensity.

Lemon fruit is often used as a dietary program. For those of you who want to diet can use lemon as a food for diet. Lemon fruit processing How to diet in the same way as to make lemon juice. Only in this menu sugar levels should be reduced. Sugar content is a little on the lemon juice diet program does have a very sour taste.

Lemon fruit is actually very beneficial to the human body. In the world of beauty lemon used as a cosmetic ingredient mixture. Lemon fruit is very rich in vitamin C, magnesium, potassium, and calcium. Lemon fruit also contains antioxidants and function very well to keep the human immune. Lemons are often also used as a skin care by using juice or a squeeze of lemon water.

Benefit Lemon For Beauty And Healthy

Benefits Lemon For Beauty

Lemon contains citric acid, so the taste is very sour, lemon is often also used as an ingredient for beauty and skin care. The following references to the benefits of lemon for beauty treatments.

1. Acne Removal

Freshly squeezed lemon juice contains antibacterial function to overcome the bacteria that cause acne. It is often used because the properties have been proven. Additionally, lemon efficacious to remove acne scars which usually will leave a black stain on the face.

2. Brighten Skin

The content of the acid in lemon juice or fruit juice can remove the black stains that appear on your face. The acid contained in the lemon juice also proven to brighten your face and make your skin look more fresh. But do not use these tips if there is a wound on the skin. Because of the acid content in lemon can kill antibacterial repairing injured skin. Obviously if exposed to the wound, it will feel very sore. To brighten your skin can make a mask of lemon and honey to maximize results.

3. Moisturize Dry Lips

The content of vitamin C contained in lemon can exfoliate dead skin on the lips. Dead skin cells that actually make lips look dry. How to use by applying fresh lemon slices on the lips slowly. Allow a few seconds and then rinse with clean water. Do this on a regular basis. Read too how to redden lips.

Benefits Lemon For Healthy

Another benefit of lemon as a material consumption very much. Aside from being an effective agent to burn fat, lemon is also beneficial for your health. Lemon shown to increase human stamina. Anti-bacterial and antioxidant also play an active role in the body. More effective lemon fruit consumed hot or warm. Heat can be faster processing of substances in the body. Here are the benefits of lemons:

1. Streamlining Digestive System

Disposal of waste products can be easier with consumption of lemon juice on a regular basis. Lemon increasing the peristaltic movements in the stomach. Lemon as a blood purifier and cleanser, so a good drink after lunch or dinner. Lemon also helps other digestive problems like nausea when acid reflux, but be careful because the lemon does not fit in with the milk.

2. Boost Immunity

Lemon mixed with honey is able to absorb more iron. Iron in the body is very active role in immune function. In the lemon drink also contains saponins which have antimicrobial function. Get into the habit of drinking lemon and honey with warm water every morning.

3. Stabilizing High Blood Pressure

The content of potassium in lemon similar to that found benefits of bananas, which are very well taken by people with heart disease. Potassium control high blood pressure, dizziness and nausea, as it gives a soothing sensation.

4. Treating Sore Throat

Not only herbs like ginger benefits that can relieve a cough, but lemon is very nice to treat diseases tonsillitis (throat). Enough to gargle with warm water that has been added with a teaspoon of lemon juice. For coughs and colds, give warm water that has added little benefit honey.

This is the benefit of lemon you should know because lemon is good for health and beauty. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

How To Redden Lips Naturally and Easy

How To Redden Lips Naturally and Easy - Lips rosy indeed things that make women appear more confident and make women appear more sexy, gorgeous and the concern of many people. Undoubtedly, a healthy mouth, a red and bright naturally increase the confidence and charm of your personality. But, unfortunately, not all women rosy lips, I wonder if some women are always looking for ways how to make them more red lips, and certainly looks more sexy.

Not just whiten who need extra care, some people even sew their lips only to brighten and redden the lips, yet they are very sick and very dangerous for health risks. It would be better if you use natural ingredients, because in addition to secure, inexpensive and convenient also result can be more optimally. If you are a woman who has a dark lip color, so now you need not worry because here will give you some tips redden the lips with a natural, fast, and easy

How To Redden Lips Naturally and Easy
How To Redden Lips Naturally and Easy

How To Redden Lips Naturally and Easy

The following are some tips that you can apply to obtain red lips, bright and looks healthier.

1. Honey

How to redden the lips naturally the first is to use honey. Honey is not only efficacious to nourish the body in general, but also beneficial to redden your lips. You can use it by taking a bit of pure honey, then rub it on the lips evenly. It would seem effective if its use before bed at night. You can do this 1-2 times a day. Read: Benefits Honey Mask For Skin

2. Lime

In addition to being a natural ingredient for skin care and acne, lemon juice can also be used as a natural way redden lips. The trick is to prepare as much lime juice 2-3 tablespoons, then mix a little warm water into it. Then apply on your lips thoroughly and let stand for up to 15 minutes in length. After that, rinse with warm water. Do this 1-3 times a day.

3. Almond Oil

Almond oil is the best material to restore your lips to be rosy as when you are a teenager. You can buy almond oil in the supermarket. The way is also easy enough to put it on the lip area. Besides other uses that almond oil is able to keep the moisture in the lips so it is not easy to dry.

4. Avocado

Avocados have many benefits for health and beauty, one of which used to redden the lips naturally. It is certain this fruit would be easier to obtain. The trick is to prepare sliced avocado and puree until smooth, then add a few drops of olive oil into it. Once the material is ready to be smeared on your lips. Let stand a minute, then is rinsed with warm water.

5. Rosewater

Surely you already know a rose is not it? You can take advantage of the bath of rose water to redden your lips. The trick is to apply the rose water soaked 15-20 minutes in length on your lips and set aside some time, rinse with warm water.

6. Lemon And Pomegranate

Oranges contain vitamin C which can brighten dark lips. While pomegranates (Red Pomegranate) containing Anthocyanins are able to change the color of your lips into a bright and red permanently. How: orange slices and mix the pomegranates, and then puree in a blender. After becoming smooth, pour into a bowl and rub gently in your mouth for 2 minutes. Do this every morning.

How To Maintain Lips

In addition to the above redden the lips, is very important to treat the lips every day to avoid dark lips. Remember, moisture loss makes your lips dry and peel. To keep your lips remain natural red, you need to prevent your lips dark. Here are some tips to prevent lip color black / dark.
  • Stop Smoking. Tobacco and cigarette smoke suction that you will make your lips dark and black.
  • Avoid using lipstick for too long. The use of different types of lipstick continuously will make your lips damaged.
  • Get used to clean the lipstick after a long day. You can also apply honey on the lips every day at bedtime to keep the lips in order to stay healthy.

So how to redden the lips naturally and quickly you can do at home. Use it regularly for the better. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.

Remove Acne Scars Naturally

Previously we have discussed about the causes of acne, how to get rid of acne, as well as how to prevent acne. Now I will discuss how to remove acne scars naturally and fast. 

Acne scars is actually a process of healing and repair the damage caused acne in the skin tissue. During this process, the skin produces collagen, a substance that supports the skin tissue repair was not enough (or too much) of collagen produced, so appear acne scars. 

In healthcare, acne scars do not bother, but it can lower a person's self confidence. Most acne scars will actually decrease after a few months, but there are certain ways that can be done to help speed up the process and avoid the re-emergence of acne. How to cure acne naturally be one of the ways that can be attempted by anyone, this natural way has advantages over using chemicals or cosmetics, but it also does not need to spend a lot of money. Eliminate acne naturally is certainly we can do at home.

Remove Acne Scars Naturally

How to Remove Acne Scars Quickly And Naturally

To get rid of acne naturally, you can try it with natural ingredients are easily available. Some ways to remove acne scars naturally and quickly you can do at home, including:

1. Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is rich in vitamin to cure acne scars and scars. Aloe vera can also serve as a natural moisturizer, which makes the skin soft and healthy. Addition of aloe vera gel can also nourish the skin. Easy enough to use, cut and squeeze the aloe vera then apply over the entire face leave for more than 30 minutes, then rinse with clean water or warm water.

2. Honey

Honey can be used to help remove acne scars. Honey that has a function as a natural moisturizer that is antibacterial and can neutralize the substances contained in the skin and reduce inflammation. How to use it is to apply directly to facial acne. You can also remove acne using a honey mask, you can also find the benefits of honey mask for skin.

3. Tomato

Tomatoes are rich in vitamin A and lycopene, which helps nutrients and rejuvenates the skin. Vitamin A helps the healing of wounds of the skin and helps the rapid growth of skin cells that is new, so it will reduce existing acne scars. The trick: prepare fresh tomatoes and thinly sliced. Place the tomato slices on acne area, leave on for 15-20 minutes then rinse with clean water. You can also make a paste of tomato as a face mask. Puree 1 tomato, after the tender, apply evenly to the face, wait for 20-30 minutes then rinse with clean water. 

4. Cucumber

Cucumber contains Vitamin A and C and Magnesium is good for the skin. The trick thinly sliced and put on a acne face and leave it up to 20-30 minutes then rinse with clean water. Perform routine to get maximum results and acne scars disappear fast.

5. Olive Oil

Olive oil has been known since ancient times. Besides can be used as an ingredient for cooking, it turns olive oil is also very good for skin health. How using you just rub the oil into areas of acne scars at night before bed and in the morning.

6. Scrub Sugar

This method is a therapy to cure acne scars. You simply provide sugar and olive oil to make homemade sugar scrub. Refined sugar contains glycolic acid and AHA, which is useful to clean the dead skin cells and improve cell regeneration. How: mix 2 tablespoons sugar with 1 tablespoon olive oil, then add the lemon juice, then make into scrub. Apply the sugar scrub on acne scars, leave on for 15 minutes, then wash with clean water. Do it every day.

7. Using Green Tea

How to remove acne scars that last is to use green tea. Green tea is a natural substance that is very simple that can help diminish acne scars, inflamed skin and reduces redness on the face. How to use it fairly easily. Prepare green tea and make ice cubes. Apply and put ice on the wound area for 1-2 minutes. Green tea has anti-inflammatory properties that complement the cooling effect of ice. Do this setiapp day for maximum results.

Those are some ways to remove acne scars naturally quick and easy that you can try at home. Here's how to take care of your skin is easy and can be done at home, thank you for visiting us and hopefully useful to you.